by Officekey | May 29, 2019 | Northern Kentucky, Northern KY Location, renovation, technology, workspace
We recently completed the renovation of OfficeKey’s Northern Kentucky office. The cosmetic upgrades include new flooring throughout the space, updated furniture and artwork, new blinds on exterior windows and new privacy film on interior windows. Construction work...
by Teresa Nichols | Mar 27, 2018 | charitable giving, Cincinnati, Law, Northern Kentucky, partners, philanthropy, volunteering
There are many professional associations and chambers in Cincinnati that are a key part of our local business community. OfficeKey has long valued our partnerships with many of these organizations. We clearly see the value in investing in these groups that support...
by Teresa Nichols | Jul 27, 2016 | Cincinnati, local economy, Northern Kentucky, Ohio, transportation
As a staff member with OfficeKey, I am privileged to meet a variety of people and learn many interesting things from them. This month, I had the pleasure of sitting in on July’s Key Connections Lunch. Our guest was Trey Grayson, President & CEO of the Northern...
by Justin Myers | Jan 28, 2016 | After Hours Events, Cincinnati, meetings, networking, Northern Kentucky, OfficeKey Staff, Ohio
So you’d like to invite clients or associates to meet after hours? We know business doesn’t stop at 5:00 pm. Our facilities are available to our clients after hours. Our online reservation service accommodates reservations on any day of the week; we just need notice...
by Justin Myers | Nov 24, 2015 | Clients, Law, Northern Kentucky
We were able to track down one of our clients for a quick Q&A. Nick Maggard is a lawyer for Maggard & Meneffe Law Firm, serving the greater Cincinnati area. Q: Does your practice have a niche or a specialty focus? A: The practice is concentrated on Elder Law...