by Teresa Nichols | Oct 27, 2016 | Cincinnati, marketing, technology
At our October Key Connections lunch, Joe Danzer, local Google Representative, shared some knowledge about how Google local listings work and how to make them work better for your business. Claim your local listing. If you haven’t claimed your Google listing you...
by Teresa Nichols | Sep 29, 2016 | charitable giving
Melanie Ervin has gained a new perspective on life since she had her son one year ago. As a mother, she gets to see a new side of life that only someone with a child would understand. That concept of turning and facing something new is something she cherishes in her...
by Teresa Nichols | Sep 19, 2016 | Internet Access, technology, Wifi
In Mid-September we implemented a systems upgrade to improve both the Wi-Fi and wired Internet connections at each location. The upgrade accomplishes the following goals: Improved Security Reduced Latency Optimized Usage We will continue to have two Internet Service...
by Teresa Nichols | Aug 31, 2016 | Cincinnati, Clients, Health Care, Self Help Topics
What Ed Fanning enjoys most is watching his daughters play sports. Anything from swimming to cross country, he will be there to watch them compete. But when he’s not busy being the best cheering section, Fanning is the managing director of Union Springs, LLC. Before...
by Teresa Nichols | Aug 2, 2016 | Cincinnati, Clients, marketing
What Jeremy Gotwals enjoys most about the work he does at Holon Publishing is being paid to create. Gotwals recalls always having a passion for creation. He’s starred in two MTV shows, was on American Idol, and created a film that prompted him to hitchhike across the...