
Here is a list of locations that all OfficeKey members have access to:


Westlake Center
4555 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 650
Cincinnati, OH 45242


Scripps Center
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1600
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Rookwood Tower
3805 Edwards Road, Suite 550
Cincinnati, OH 45209


Turfway Ridge Office Park
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 550
Florence, KY 41042


Union Centre
9078 Union Centre Blvd,
Suite 350
West Chester, OH 45069


"Northern Kentucky Renovation"

We recently completed the renovation of OfficeKey’s Northern Kentucky office.  The cosmetic upgrades include new flooring throughout the space, updated furniture and artwork, new blinds on exterior windows and new privacy film on interior windows. Construction work was done to expand the kitchen area to include seating and add a privacy booth across the hall. We hope you’ll check things out in person but in the meantime here are some before and after pictures:

Entryway: New doors, new privacy film, new flooring and new artwork.

OfficeKey Northern Kentucky Updates

Conference rooms:  New furniture, larger monitors, new artwork, and new carpet.

Northern Kentucky Workspace Renovations

Kitchen:  New cabinetry, new appliances, new flooring, additional space to accommodate seating area and TV, and built-in mailboxes.

Northern Kentucky Shared Office Updates

Privacy Booth & Coat Closet:  We added an enclosed booth that can be used as needed for private calls as well as a recessed coat closet for guests.  

Turfway location Updates

We hope you will stop in to the Northern Kentucky office to see the changes in person! As always, clients can use the mobile app to reserve space at any of our locations. 




"Office Renovations – New Day Office Design"
Several months ago we solicited client feedback regarding office renovations that would make our Day Offices (reservable rooms for 1 to 3 people) more productive.  We received a lot of great responses and have taken those opinions to heart.  We feel like we have taken a step in the right direction with one of the Day Offices in each location having undergone a “makeover.” 
Office Renovations -Standing Desks Standing desks have been added that can raise or lower with the push of a button.  The desktop includes a grommet with a power outlet thus removing the need to get on the floor and mess with power strips and tangled cords.  A swivel monitor is attached to the desk that can be used as a second screen for individual work or as a display for group settings.  Additionally, we have added a storage cabinet with plenty of space to stow a purse or laptop bag while meeting with a client.
If you have an opportunity to try out the new design, please share your thoughts with our staff. Your feedback is always appreciated. 
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