Renovated Reception Areas at OfficeKeyWe have recently installed upgrades to three of our offices in the form of new reception desks!  The Blue Ash, Hyde Park and Northern Kentucky offices each had new desks installed earlier this month.  

The reception desk is the first thing people see when entering our offices so these changes are not made lightly.  The new desks are more modern, professional, functional, and in the end hopefully more impressive to your clients.  Our goal is to provide an office that you can be proud of and use to build trust with your clients.  First impressions can not be underestimated, and our hope is that our upgrades will improve on that experience.

Efficient and Welcoming Reception

Another huge benefit is that the new desks provide your favorite OfficeKey employees with more efficient space to complete their work and do it comfortably.  Many factors were carefully considered including the height of the desks.  We’ve always believed that it is important for those visiting the office to be able to see the receptionists face.  So with that in mind, we do not want desks that are too high.  On the other hand, the desks are a work surface and in dealing with so many clients there needs to be a measure of privacy. We think we found a good height that accomplishes both of these objectives.  

Last but not least the change has helped to created a more uniform look among each of our locations. So when you or your guests are visiting a new space, you still have a sense of familiarity. We hope you love our new look as much as we do. Check out the photos below for a look at our new desks in all locations!

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