Blue Ash Economic Development Manager Visits OfficeKey

blue-ash-ohio-economic-development-300x169Attendees of our Key Connections Lunch in July got the inside scoop on upcoming projects being planned in Blue Ash, and how the Summit Park development is being phased in at a cost of $10M/yr!

The Blue Ash Economic Development Director, Neil Hensley, was insightful and enthusiastic about the future of Blue Ash.

What is the present state of Blue Ash, Ohio?

Blue Ash is home for 2,300 businesses and 11,000 full-time residents. About 40,000 people come to Blue Ash to work each day which means that “earnings” taxes enable Blue Ash to flourish.
Kroger is currently the largest employer (with retail stores and corporate offices in the area), but IT is the fastest growing business sector followed by Biohealth, Market Research, and Advanced Manufacturing. Right now there is only a 2% vacancy in the light industrial zone and office space is running low as well.

What’s in-store in the coming months?

  • Milacron plans to move their headquarters from Oakley to Blue Ash and bring 43 more jobs to the area.
  • P&G – 50 acres on either side.  Planning mixed used development after P&G vacates in 3 years.
  • Kroger is opening two new distribution warehouses on Creek Road very soon.
  • Advanced Pierre Foods is adding 120 new jobs.
  • Ohio National Financial Services is expanding.
  • Summit Park is adding unique, non-chain restaurants like the Brown Dog Cafe, which is moving from its current location near Bob Evans.
  • Summit Park is also going to bring more residential and office space opportunities at the corner of Reed Hartman and Glendale Milford Road.
  • “Downtown” Blue Ash will be renamed  the “Village Center.”

As Blue Ash economic development continues at full-force, OfficeKey is ready to help businesses get off to a great start. Our facilities in Blue Ash currently support 87 businesses. We are excited to be a part of the Future of Blue Ash!