Ed Fanning, Union Springs, LLCWhat Ed Fanning enjoys most is watching his daughters play sports. Anything from swimming to cross country, he will be there to watch them compete. But when he’s not busy being the best cheering section, Fanning is the managing director of Union Springs, LLC.

Before Ed began managing his business, he graduated with his MBA at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, the first year they were named the #1 business school. So it’s safe to assume that Ed is well versed in quality business practices.

His company, Union Springs, LLC, works to bring biologically optimized, natural products into mainstream medicine. They develop and market highly sophisticated nutritional supplements for pharmacies to use as “companion care” products to prescription drugs. Underneath the medical terminology and complicated practices, what Fanning enjoys about his business is being able to help people through the natural health products Union Springs develops. While the jargon may sound clinical, Union Springs products are truly a vehicle to better people’s lives by working to remove side effects from their prescriptions drugs.  But what helps Fanning do this is the services provided by OfficeKey.

Ed is grateful that his business is able to have a wide range of motion, meaning they can scale up and down with particular needs when their particular needs are always changing. Reduction in staff is also helpful. Fanning doesn’t need to hire a receptionist because OfficeKey can provide that service. Fanning says he used to work out of a huge office space with 2 conference rooms, and what it boiled down to was that they were paying rent for space that was barely used. What Ed enjoys about working with OfficeKey, is the “take only what you need” mentality they provide, allowing him to focus on what’s important about his business. And without the added stress of wondering how to allocate funds, he is able to go back to what he enjoys most, rooting for his daughters in whatever they might be doing.

Visit Union Springs online for more details about their natural health products and vision.

–Written by Makenzie Walters