
Here is a list of locations that all OfficeKey members have access to:


Westlake Center
4555 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 650
Cincinnati, OH 45242


Scripps Center
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1600
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Rookwood Tower
3805 Edwards Road, Suite 550
Cincinnati, OH 45209


Turfway Ridge Office Park
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 550
Florence, KY 41042


Union Centre
9078 Union Centre Blvd,
Suite 350
West Chester, OH 45069


"Meet Elizabeth Na, CPA of Na & Associates"
Elizabeth Na, CPACPA, Elizabeth Na had an office for over 25 years before coming to OfficeKey.  OfficeKey fit perfectly in the virtual operation that she was transitioning her business into a few years ago. She primarily meets her clients at the Blue Ash, Hyde Park, and West Chester locations, wherever is the most convenient for them. She took time out of her busy day to participate in our Client Q  & A: 
Q: What does your business do?
A: We are the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and tax adviser for small business owners.  Our goal is to enhance efficiency and profitability.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your career, and about working through OfficeKey?
A: I enjoy being part of clients’ success, and giving them ideas to save taxes.  After 30 years of being a CPA, I enjoy especially being a business at this time, to witness and enjoy the efficiency that the technology has enabled us to achieve.  OfficeKey fits perfectly with our virtual operation.  The three of us, at NA & Associates, either work at any of the OfficeKey locations or at our own space.  Clients meet us at the OfficeKey location that is the most convenient to them. It has been wonderful.
Q: How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
A: I enjoy hiking, reading, traveling and spending time with family and friends.  
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: I have three: Sound of Music, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Anne of Green Gables.
Q: If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
A: If I can have the power of God for a day, I would wipe out the cruelties done to children in the world. 
Q. If you could hire any celebrity to work for your business who would it be and why?
A: Krista Neher, a social media guru here in Cincinnati.  She can guide us on establishing and revamping social media presence which we desperately need.     
Q: Which OfficeKey location do you think has the best restaurants nearby?
A: Hyde Park 
Q: Have you had any particularly rewarding experience during your career?
A: After a complex planning project for a retiring client, I received a nice letter to thank me and offer me a cash bonus.  I accepted the letter and declined the bonus with gratitude.

To learn more about Elizabeth Na & Associates visit their website.

"Cincinnati Sales Coach, Duane Plapp"

We were able to catch up with Sales Coach, Duane Plapp between speaking engagements to ask him about his business and some of his favorite past-times. Duane has been a client of OfficeKey for seven years and recently celebrated his 70th birthday!

Besides being a sales coach to local small business owners and managers, he is a sought-after public speaker on the topics of referral marketing and business growth.

Duane officially Cincinnati Sales Coachretired about 10 years ago, but coaching is a passion he didn’t want to give up. His sliding scale fee structure allows him to provide services to those who are just starting out and need that extra push to excel. His deep knowledge of business also allows him to coach seasoned professionals who want to move to their next level.

Q: Tell us about Total Revenue Coaching?
A: Total Revenue Coaching is a marketing and sales coaching and training business. Our core business philosophy is to help marketing professionals to create effective communication and develop strong relationships through the right strategic activity.

Q: How did you decide to be a Sales Coach?
A: I love to help people and coaching is the best way I know to give back.

Q: What type of clients do you enjoy working with most?
A: I love working with small business marketing professionals.

Q: What do you enjoy most about what you do?
A: Sales Coaching gives me the opportunity to interact with a lot of people and create a lot of great relationships. I love seeing people succeed!

Q: What features of OfficeKey do you like the most?
A: The Conference rooms at OfficeKey are perfect for my training sessions. The monitors and whiteboards make my sessions more visual and more engaging for my sales coaching students.

Q: How do you spend your time outside of work?
A: I enjoy golfing, fishing, and camping.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote?
A: “Cha Ching!”

Q: What is your favorite sports team?
A: I enjoy watching and rooting for the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Bears. They keep me entertained all year round!

Q: Who is your favorite singer or band?
A: The Beach Boys…Best American Band of All Time!

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: I would have to say the Bible.

To get to know more about Duane and Total Revenue Coaching, visit the website. If you see him around the office, make sure to wish him a Happy Birthday!


"Ed Fanning, Union Springs Natural Health Products"

Ed Fanning, Union Springs, LLCWhat Ed Fanning enjoys most is watching his daughters play sports. Anything from swimming to cross country, he will be there to watch them compete. But when he’s not busy being the best cheering section, Fanning is the managing director of Union Springs, LLC.

Before Ed began managing his business, he graduated with his MBA at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, the first year they were named the #1 business school. So it’s safe to assume that Ed is well versed in quality business practices.

His company, Union Springs, LLC, works to bring biologically optimized, natural products into mainstream medicine. They develop and market highly sophisticated nutritional supplements for pharmacies to use as “companion care” products to prescription drugs. Underneath the medical terminology and complicated practices, what Fanning enjoys about his business is being able to help people through the natural health products Union Springs develops. While the jargon may sound clinical, Union Springs products are truly a vehicle to better people’s lives by working to remove side effects from their prescriptions drugs.  But what helps Fanning do this is the services provided by OfficeKey.

Ed is grateful that his business is able to have a wide range of motion, meaning they can scale up and down with particular needs when their particular needs are always changing. Reduction in staff is also helpful. Fanning doesn’t need to hire a receptionist because OfficeKey can provide that service. Fanning says he used to work out of a huge office space with 2 conference rooms, and what it boiled down to was that they were paying rent for space that was barely used. What Ed enjoys about working with OfficeKey, is the “take only what you need” mentality they provide, allowing him to focus on what’s important about his business. And without the added stress of wondering how to allocate funds, he is able to go back to what he enjoys most, rooting for his daughters in whatever they might be doing.

Visit Union Springs online for more details about their natural health products and vision.

–Written by Makenzie Walters

"Design, Marketing, and Media Professional"

Media Expert in Cincinnati, Ohio

What Jeremy Gotwals enjoys most about the work he does at Holon Publishing is being paid to create. Gotwals recalls always having a passion for creation. He’s starred in two MTV shows, was on American Idol, and created a film that prompted him to hitchhike across the country to the Burning Man Festival. But before fulfilling his creative outlets, at age nineteen he realized that as a generally creative person, his most desirable situation would be having the opportunity to make a living creating.  Gotwals finds joy in being able to bring together the creative parts of his personality with the strategic and technical aspects of his business.

Holon Publishing can be halved into two facets of business. On one end, they do publishing consulting, which includes editing, designing, publishing, distributing, marketing and promoting published materials that range anywhere from a small project of fiction from an artist, or more professional geared material from an educational source. The other half of Holon’s business is a straightforward digital agency that deals in tasks such as branding, web design, social media or targeted ad campaigns.  And of course, Gotwals appreciates being able to share this combination of creation and strategy with the people he does business with. He brags that his clients are interesting and unique, and it’s a privilege to be able to do business with people from all ends of the world.

OfficeKey has been an instrumental part of Gotwals’ growing his business. So helpful that he was prompted to use the word, “outstanding,” when describing the services we provide. What he appreciates the most is OfficeKey’s phenomenal flexibility that it brings to business of any size. Furthermore, he praises OfficeKey as being a service provider that can bring big business amenities to a small or remote business. Gotwals names his most valuable resource at OfficeKey to be the community. The people in the OfficeKey locations, whether it is our employees or other clients, come together as a flexible community, willing to provide their specific services to their peers and be supportive in any way possible. Collaboration, Gotwals says, is the most valuable thing OfficeKey has to offer.

Connect with Jeremy on LinkedIn.

"Client Q & A with Casey Boland"

Hengehold Capital ManagementMeet Casey Boland, Vice President of Hengehold Capital Management.

Q: Tell us about HCM? 

A: HCM is a locally owned retirement and financial planning firm. As a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor firm, we are dedicated to serving families and business owners looking for retirement solutions that will allow them to attain financial goals for retirement. HCM also specializes in working with P&G retirees, alumni or those taking a separation package. For over 25 years, we work passionately to help our clients and their families enjoy a financially independent life by offering financial planning and total-return, tax-efficient, risk managed investments. Our strengths are in planning and building a solid portfolio that is dependent, diversified, growing and protected.

Our loyalties are always aligned with our clients’ best interests. Our goal is to be your trusted advisor based on integrity, knowledge and personalized service. 

Q: What type of clients do you enjoy working with?

A: My ideal client is one who understands that in order to enjoy their  life in retirement, they need to plan for it. This can be small business owners, people in transition, couples with young families, executives, and people in their 50s who may have gotten a late jump on planning for retirement. For each type of client, the story we build together to achieve their goals and strategies is  very different and this is the part I enjoy.

Q: What do you enjoy most about what you do?

A: I get to help people plan for the longest vacation of their lives – retirement! I enjoy the planning, strategy and  teamwork involved working with my client to achieve their goals. I also enjoy the educating part of my job. Most people do not have the time or interest in learning about the ins and outs of planning for retirement but they know it is important. So I spend time building my own knowledge so I can educate my clients. This is one reason why I enjoy my daily morning Money Matters spot on 700WLW. It is very rewarding to know that people listen and have the opportunity to learn more about financial planning and investing. The real satisfaction in the work I do I can make a difference in people’s lives.

Q: How long have you been at OfficeKey? And what do you enjoy most about having your office with OfficeKey?

We have been  at OfficeKey for over 20 years. Having our offices with OfficeKey, allows us to meet our clients in locations that are convenient for them. We have clients all over the city and making meetings convenient for our clients and prospects is very important to us. OfficeKey allows us to have a professional meeting space with staff that reflects our own values.

Q: How do you spend your time outside of work?

A: I am on the Board of the Springer School and Center and this keeps me pretty busy. I spend a lot of time reading to prepare for my daily commentaries on 700 WLW. I enjoy golfing with my dad and riding my bike.

Learn more about Hengehold Capital Management by visiting their website

"Client Q & A: HRC Consulting – Human Resources"

Human Resource Consulting in Cincinnati

Q: Tell us about HRC Consulting Services.

A: HRC is a consulting services company, offering human resources and talent development services.  We help organizations achieve a workplace of high commitment and extraordinary performance.  

We are most known for our work in compensation. Our consultants develop compensation systems for many companies each year.  These systems give owners the peace of mind that comes from knowing that pay decisions are based on accurate information about the marketplace and performance, and that their decisions are fair and defensible.  We also conduct pay surveys and provide technical compensation assistance to companies throughout the US.  In recent years, this work has expanded to South American, Europe and Asia.

HRC is also known for helping organizations to develop highly effective supervisors, managers and executives through our training programs and our coaching.   Our “Leading for High Performance” classes have trained literally hundreds of leaders each year.  Our coaching clients become more effective and strategic.  They get recognized for their contributions and become re-energized in their careers – a “win-win” for both the company and the individual being coached.

HRC also assists start-up and growing companies to develop their human resource practices.  We facilitate employee handbooks and policies that support the company’s desired culture and keep them in compliance with the many regulations.

Q: How did you get into this business?

A: Lee Krapp, our founder, established HRC thirty-one years ago.  He walked in to Dave Myers’ office and handed him a check for the first year’s rent.  He knew then that consulting was his destiny and that OfficeKey (then called “HQ”) was where he wanted to call his office “home.”  He loved Dave’s vision of providing the services that were essential to a small business such as HRC, and knew that outsourcing it to Dave was a great decision.  We often talk about the fact that we were OfficeKey’s second client ever!

Q: What type of clients do you work with?

A: We work for organizations of all sizes, from global companies such as Procter & Gamble and Berkshire Hathaway, to small human services such as the Freestore/Foodbank and many of the local non-profits.  We work in close partnership with each client.  We cherish each relationship and believe our clients do the same.

Q: What do you enjoy most about what you do?

A: All of our consultants are Human Resources or Training practitioners.  We all love our work and being of service.  We differ from most consultants in that we are pragmatic…we know what works and how to effectively implement.  We don’t spend time and effort on theory and untested processes.  Our clients like our practical approach and the results they experience in partnership with us.


Q: What do you enjoy most about working with OfficeKey?

A: Our HRC consultants, over the 30+ years we have been working with OfficeKey, enjoy the flexibility of serving our clients in the various OfficeKey locations.  We often meet with our Dayton clients in West Chester, our downtown clients at 312 Walnut, and our Northern Kentucky clients there.  We switch our HRC consultant meetings around, and usually use the Hyde Park location or Blue Ash location.  

When we tell people that we have had the same administrative support for all the time HRC has been in existence, they look at us in disbelief!  But it is true…Fran has processed our monthly billings since we began business, and Jackie has worked closely with us on some of our other work almost that long.  We appreciate the continuity that kind of longevity of service provides.  

We expect the relationship of OfficeKey and our “small but mighty” consulting firm to continue to be a part of our success into the future.  

Q: How do you spend your time outside of work?

A: All of us at HRC are family-oriented folks…we all seem to spend a lot of our time with our children and grandchildren.  

We also work as volunteers for the community.  Most recently, HRC sponsored our Thirty-Year Anniversary HR & Talent Develop Awards.  Three non-profit organizations –  Tender Mercies, Cincinnati Youth Collaborative, and Easter Seals – were chosen from the many applicants.   Our consultants provided these three wonderful organizations with HRC gifts of service in management training or a complete review of their employee handbook.  This pro bono project was one of the highlights of our work together in recent years.  

Submitted by:  Diane Sticklen-Jordan, Principal

You can learn more about HRC Consulting Services by visiting their website.




"Client Q&A with Teri, Online Marketing Consultant"

TeresaLeannePhoto-e1459338908563-300x294 Q: Tell us about Reveal Marketing.

A: After working for several large companies, I realized there were many companies that did not have an internal marketing department. I was confident I could help many small companies with their online marketing efforts, instead of helping one big one.  Most of my work starts with Search Engine Optimization, but I also help with event marketing, social media, blogging, content marketing and other marketing needs. 

The name Reveal came from naturally wanting to find the “elephant in the room.” Many times, there are issues within a company that get overlooked or ignored. I contribute a fresh perspective and a eagerness to get beyond these issues.Online-Marketing-Plan-cincinnati-300x104

Q: How did you get into marketing?

A: Customer service has been an interest of mine since working for Disney and Little Professor Books who placed high value on customer satisfaction and loyalty. When I went back to school to earn my MBA, I had a conversation with my adviser and told her about my interests. The closest major to customer service was marketing. I find it interesting that customer service isn’t it’s own degree. Every business should start with excellent customer service. Online Marketing strategies must consider the customer experience. 

Q: What type of clients do you work with?

A: I work with companies who want to create or improve on their online presence. Some of my clients are “solopreneurs” like authors and some are companies with many employees. 

Q: What do you enjoy most online marketing?

A: I enjoy being able to have a positive impact on my client’s businesses. The Internet has created an opportunity for more people to pursue their dreams. I’m glad I can be a part of that. 

Q: How long have you had your office at OfficeKey? 

A: I’ve been with OfficeKey since 2014. I met Justin as a member of The Business Network, now H7 Connect. I mostly work at the West Chester Office, but I love meeting my clients at whichever office works best for them. I have online marketing clients who prefer to meet me in Northern Kentucky, Blue Ash and West Chester.  I love the collaboration room! 

Q: How do you spend your time outside of work?

A: When I’m not focused on online marketing I’m usually doing something activeI have two sons in high school and college. We like to be outside or playing some kind of interactive game like Guitar Hero. We also like to play with our cat, Friday (he has his own Facebook page).

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: Sweet Home Alabama (not your average “chick flick” the ending is really awesome).

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: “But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.” Daniel 2:30, New American Standard Bible translation.

To learn more about Teri and her online marketing services, visit Reveal Marketing.


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