The (not-so) secret sauce at OfficeKey is that we have a great team that goes above and beyond for our clients on a daily basis. However, since our staff is spread out across five locations there are not a lot of opportunities to gather in one place and grow as a team. So a few times each year we make a point of bringing everyone together. One of those times is a summer outing that is planned with the sole agenda of having fun and building camaraderie. 

In years past we have done an escape room and taken our swings at TopGolf.  This past month we took our talents to Urban Axes in Over-the-Rhine for an axe throwing competition. Axe throwing is getting quite popular and now we know why! We sharpened our skills with a few practice rounds and then launched into a tournament. We certainly accomplished our goal of having a great time as a team, and I am happy to say that no OfficeKey staff members were injured during the event! Here are some photos to entice you to check it out! 

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