Quadrivium AdvisorsQuadrivium is a Business Coaching and Consulting Business.  In the world of business, it is difficult sometimes to know what steps to take to move your business forward.  Everyone gets stuck in what I call “Ground Hog Day” dream where you wake up every day with same to do list, the same tasks and goals that weren’t met and the hope that this year will be different.  Quadrivium helps set you on a path to success and we hold you accountable every step of the way.  Businesses do not have to go it alone.

Quadrivium President, Julie Rowland completed our Client Q&A:

Q: How did you come up with the name Quadrivium and what does it mean?

A: Quadrivium in Latin is the place where 4 things come together perfectly.  I figure it is my job to bring Policies, Procedures, Systems and Controls into place so your business can run on all cylinders.  My daughter actually came up with the name as she is the wordsmith in the family!


Q: What is the makeup of your ideal client (size, industry, challenges, etc)?

A: My ideal client is in the service industry and has been in business 3-8 years.  They have fewer than 50 employees and are spending ¾ of their time working in the business and not running the business. Their profits are stagnant, and they want to work less and make more!


Q: What do you like most about your partnership with OfficeKey and (how long have you been here)?

A: I’ve been with OfficeKey over three years now and it fits me perfectly.  I have clients all over the city, so the availability of multiple locations is perfect.  I also spend the majority of my time at my client’s places of businesss, so I do not need be in an office every day. The offices are beautiful and the large conference rooms allow me to teach my seminars right on site. And my clients always think it is such a smart business move not paying for a big office since I work with them on their expenses!


Julie Rowland of Quadrivium AdvisorsQ: If you could have dinner with one historical figure who would it be and why?

A: My dad.  He died when I was 4 and I do not have any memories of him. 


Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 

A: I am not sure it is a superpower, but I would love to be able to “beam myself up”.  My children do not live in the state and I would love to transport myself there with just a nod of the head or a simple command. 


Q: What is your favorite movie or tv show?

A: Currently The Great British Baking Show.  I have seen every episode multiple times, and then watch it again.  One of my goals is to spend 20 days overseas baking and cooking with the best!  I love trying out their recipes.


Q: What is your favorite book?

I just finished, for the third time, The Life We Bury by Allen Askens.  A college student has an assignment to write the life story of an elderly stranger.  He chooses a Vietnam Vet who was convicted of murder and spent 30 years in jail.  He is now dying in a nursing home and agrees to be interviewed.  The story is not about proving him innocent but trying to reconcile the hero with the convicted murderer and understanding life’s journeys.


Who is your favorite singer or band? 

A: I have to say Amy Grant and Vince Gill just because I was lucky enough to have dinner with them one night.  It was just the three of us and it was awesome. 


Visit the Quadrivium website to learn more about Julie and their services.