Juha Seppanen of Nordic IndustriesJuha Seppanen, founder & CEO of Nordic Industries, is our client spotlight this month. Nordic Industries is one of our many international clients. They have been with OfficeKey for almost 4 years. 

Q: Tell us about Nordic Industries.

A: Nordic Industries Development Group provides sales channel development and management services to industry leaders globally.

We combine operational consulting with the leading edge smart sales tool, The Rudolf, to enable our clients to be in full control of their sales channels

Q: Who is your ideal client? 

A: Dynamic and fast-growing company, which is looking for international expansion. They have marketing in place, good references and committed sales team

Q: What was it about Cincinnati (or maybe Blue Ash specifically) that helped you choose to establish your North American operation here?   

A: Support of Anne Cappel with her EACC (European-American Chamber of Commerce) network and Neil Hensley’s of Blue Ash. The manufacturing industries in Midwest and this region, in general, are very much similar to that of Scandinavia.

Q: What do you like most about your partnership with OfficeKey?

A: Business made easy. They are reliable, available, efficient and nice.

Q: What is the biggest difference in running a business in the United States versus Finland?

A: In USA there is more of administrative layers and paper filling.  Also to get to speak to right people is hard. In Finland, you do not need an introduction to your network. You just call the person.

Q: What do you most enjoy about living and working in the United States?  

A: People and Midwest weather.

Q: What do you miss most about being away from Finland?  

A: Vibrant SME community and openness to new ideas

Q: How do you spend time outside of work?

A: Kids hobbies, mainly Ice Hockey and dinners with friends

Q: If you could have dinner with one historical figure (living or dead) who would it be and why?

A: Leonardo da Vinci or Churchill.

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: Things of the darkness by Harry Thompson. The Story of Admiral Fitzgerald and Darwin in their conquest of South America (before Darwin became famous)

Q: What is your favorite singer or band? 

A: Too many. From Rush to Pat Metheny…

Learn more about Nordic Industries