AccuSource Group is a leading national recruiting firm in the healthcare technology industry.  Their clients are the software and consulting firms who are paving the roads of healthcare delivery by driving better outcomes through digital transformation. Their president, Brian Whitehill, completed our Client Q&A.

Q. How does AccuSource distinguish itself from other executive search firms?  

A. We have two major distinguishers.  Our niche is the primary. Likely, there’s no other firm in the country as committed to industry & specialty as we are.  We build out sales organizations from the ground up in one space only. We’re in constant search for the best and brightest enterprise sales executives in the country.  Most firms wouldn’t sell out for such a small niche. We’re also distinguished by our boutique approach. Each search is customized and managed to meet the unique needs of our clients.  I believe our clients would tell you that our approach is a lot more scientific than our competitors.

Q. What skills are the mostly highly sought after in the industry you serve?

A. Enterprise software sales at the C-level in hospitals and managed care organizations.  If you’re a top 10%’er who fits this description, you can expect to receive a call at some point from one of our recruiters.  You don’t have to find us… we know who you are! We take a more holistic approach with these high-valued individuals by focusing more on their long-term career objectives vs. just filling an open req with one of our clients.  They love it and so do we.

Q. What is the future of the healthcare technology market that you operate in?

A. It’s an exciting time to be in the healthcare technology business today.  We’re on the ground floor of a revolution happening in the world of AI and genomics.  Like Amazon’s checkout, I suspect that one day soon we’ll be able to walk through a scanner which will compute everything from hypertension to MRI’s to genetic predispositions all in one sweep.  Commercial airlines are flying on auto pilot. Google is driving vehicles. Doctorless healthcare is not far behind, but don’t tell that to the doctors!

Q. What do you like most about your partnership with OfficeKey?

A. Sherri’s fist bump is something I look forward to each morning. Not joking. I love coming into a beautiful office each day where everyone is head’s down and focused on winning.  I’ve worked in other shared offices, my own office, and from home, but never felt as energized as I do with the team at OfficeKey.

Brian Whitehill, AccuSource GroupQ. How do you spend time outside of work?

A. I’m a golf nut! Maketewah is my CC.  Been playing for 30+ years and still get giddy on Saturday mornings in anticipation of a competitive round.  You know that Blake Shelton song, “The more I drink”” …. Yeah, it’s like that… “The more I golf, the more I golf, the more I golf” …  Can’t get enough!

Q. If you could have dinner with one historical figure (living or dead) who would it be and why?

I’ll give you one of each for the same reason.  I most admire people who can rise above during extremely stressful moments and eras…. Who somehow can keep it together without getting beat by the naysayers who want to drag them down into the mud… Who keep their composure against impossible odds…Who may stumble but never fall…  No one has ever done it better than Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama.

Q. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 

A. Rising above during extremely stressful moments and eras….keep it together without getting beat by the naysayers…keeping composure against impossible odds…

Q. What is your favorite travel destination?

A. I’m a tree hugger.  I like to golf, hike, be near water, while also in a forest, while also in the mountains…. = Lake Tahoe.

Q. What is your favorite movie or tv show?

Tough to beat Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.  “Get yourself something real nice, Clark.

Q. What is your favorite book?

A. I’m into the psychology of human behavior development so I’d say Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.  

Q. What is your favorite singer or band? 

A. My mom taught me there was only two types of music:  Country… and Western. I absolutely love Jerry Lee Lewis’ country songs…Killer Country.

Learn more about AccuSource Group on their website and connect with Brian on LinkedIn