TeresaLeannePhoto-e1459338908563-300x294 Q: Tell us about Reveal Marketing.

A: After working for several large companies, I realized there were many companies that did not have an internal marketing department. I was confident I could help many small companies with their online marketing efforts, instead of helping one big one.  Most of my work starts with Search Engine Optimization, but I also help with event marketing, social media, blogging, content marketing and other marketing needs. 

The name Reveal came from naturally wanting to find the “elephant in the room.” Many times, there are issues within a company that get overlooked or ignored. I contribute a fresh perspective and a eagerness to get beyond these issues.Online-Marketing-Plan-cincinnati-300x104

Q: How did you get into marketing?

A: Customer service has been an interest of mine since working for Disney and Little Professor Books who placed high value on customer satisfaction and loyalty. When I went back to school to earn my MBA, I had a conversation with my adviser and told her about my interests. The closest major to customer service was marketing. I find it interesting that customer service isn’t it’s own degree. Every business should start with excellent customer service. Online Marketing strategies must consider the customer experience. 

Q: What type of clients do you work with?

A: I work with companies who want to create or improve on their online presence. Some of my clients are “solopreneurs” like authors and some are companies with many employees. 

Q: What do you enjoy most online marketing?

A: I enjoy being able to have a positive impact on my client’s businesses. The Internet has created an opportunity for more people to pursue their dreams. I’m glad I can be a part of that. 

Q: How long have you had your office at OfficeKey? 

A: I’ve been with OfficeKey since 2014. I met Justin as a member of The Business Network, now H7 Connect. I mostly work at the West Chester Office, but I love meeting my clients at whichever office works best for them. I have online marketing clients who prefer to meet me in Northern Kentucky, Blue Ash and West Chester.  I love the collaboration room! 

Q: How do you spend your time outside of work?

A: When I’m not focused on online marketing I’m usually doing something activeI have two sons in high school and college. We like to be outside or playing some kind of interactive game like Guitar Hero. We also like to play with our cat, Friday (he has his own Facebook page).

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: Sweet Home Alabama (not your average “chick flick” the ending is really awesome).

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: “But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.” Daniel 2:30, New American Standard Bible translation.

To learn more about Teri and her online marketing services, visit Reveal Marketing.