Adopt A Class CincinnatiMelanie Ervin has gained a new perspective on life since she had her son one year ago. As a mother, she gets to see a new side of life that only someone with a child would understand. That concept of turning and facing something new is something she cherishes in her business as well. Ervin works for Adopt A Class, a small, non-profit organization that brings together business leaders to inspire a sense of corporate community in schools. The business leaders will interact with a class once a month, for one hour, to give them access to a positive role model while learning about career options.

OfficeKey is able to help Melanie and Adopt A Class by providing a space to keep their business organized and professional. Melanie is also grateful for the connectivity of the shared office space, providing the ability to work in a safe community and build new, professional relationships.

What she loves about Adopt A Class is that they provide a real life experience for the children in the program. “There’s only so much you can learn in a classroom,” says Melanie. She works to introduce kids to new things, things they can apply to life outside hitting the books. But on the other end of these lessons, Melanie likes to witness the transformations that happen to the volunteers. Some of the business leaders involved may not have experience with kids, or with such a diverse community as Cincinnati Public Schools. Seeing the mentors transform and learn new things from the kids, just as the kids are learning from them, is very rewarding for Melanie.

Melanie has a special appreciation for the children her business helps. As a Cincinnati-native and Cincinnati Public Schools alumnae, she is connected to the children and shares similar experiences. Cincinnati has always been home for her. Along with the children Adopt A Class serves, she loves the culture of Cincinnati in general. Whether it’s the arts, music, or politics, Melanie is excited by the positive vibe of the city she lives and works in.

Overall, Melanie is a proponent of all things life-changing. May that be her own life changing when she became a mother, the changing culture of Cincinnati, or the mentors she works with changing the education and experience of the children involved with Adopt A Class

To learn more about Adopt A Class, donate or volunteer, visit their website.

Written by Kenzie Walters